
Welcome to DINKtravelers’ world

The word DINK was first used in 1980 as an acronym for the phrase Double Income no Kids. Ever since then, it has become a popular term to define couples whose relationship is characterized by the fact that both have a job and they have decided to postpone parenthood or having children is not part of their life plan. But DINKtravelers is more than that: it is a way of thinking and a way of living that also includes neo-singles, couples that are living together-apart and those whose children have already “abandoned the nest”. At the same time, the concept defines the knowledgeable contemporary adult that has a taste for art, luxury, culinary experiences, technology and adventure. DINKtravelers is style.
We know your world, that which you explore in each trip, that which you conquer with each journey. For that reason, we are determined to be the compass that will guide you through every corner you visit in the planet; the friend who unveils new horizons by your side, and the concierge that that recommends only the best, because we know what you like.
Furthermore, we will help you pack the exact dose of history, tips, anecdotes and secrets needed to enjoy each destination to the fullest. After all, we want to be part of the mental photo album you keep in the logbook of the best journey of all: your life.
So, now you know. The plans for your next vacation start here and the possibilities are endless. Simply navigate through the words of our authors, available in different languages, and prepare for the adventure of a lifetime. 
Welcome to the world of DINKtravelers, your world. Explore it, live it and enjoy it… because you’ve earned it.
Because a journey is more than traveling around the world. Travel different, think DINK. You've earned it!